1. 영하의 온도
Below zero (더 자연스러움)
It's ten degrees below zero Celsius.
It's ten deterees negative Celisius.
2. 역대 최고/최저 기온
All-time lowest temperature
All-time highest temperature
Yesterday's temperature set an all-time lowest record for this region.
Last summer, we experienced an all-time highest temperature.
3. 폭염
기록적인 폭염
Record-breaking heatwave
폭염 경보
heatwave warning
The city is experienceing a relentless heatwave, with temperatures soaring well above 40 degrees Celsius.
4. Scorching
매우 뜨거운, 매우 더운
Scorching Sun
The Scorching sun beat down on the desert, making the sand almost unbearable to touch.
5. 성수기/비수기
peak season
high season
low season
These terms are commonly used in the travel and tourism industry to describe periods when a specific region or industry experiences high and low visitor or customer numbers.
6. 야식
Midnight snack - 밤 늦게 먹는 가벼운 간식 (치킨 같은 것도..)
I was feeling a bit hungry, so I decided to grab a quick midnight snack before going to bed.
Supper - 주로 저녁 식사
After the movie, we decided to have a light supper at the nearby cafe.
7. Namely
나열하고자 하는 것을 명시할 때 사용
다시말해서, 구체적으로는
The largest group of Malaysians consists of three main races, namely the Malays, Chinese, and Indians.
8. 주거비
Housing expenses 주거와 관련된 모든 비용
Living expenses 주거와 관련된 모든 비용
Rent 월세 자체
9. 얹혀 살다
Crash at
To save money, I'm crashing at my sister's place.
10. 선지국
Blood clot soup
11. 테이크 아웃하게 포장 좀 해주세요
Can I get this to go, please?
Could you pack it up for takeout?
12. 일회용품
disposable items
single-use items
reusable container
13. 뱃살
I've gained some weight lately, and my belly is really showing.
My belly is sticking out.
I've got a bit of belly now.
14. 말이 막히다
Hit a snag 뜻밖의 장애에 부딪치다
While discussing the complex topic, I hit a snag and struggled to find the right words to express my thoughts in English.