728x90 반응형 분류 전체보기265 [영어 회화 연습] Day and Night 1. 쉐도잉, 본문 암기 Unit 10. Day and Night Listen and fill in the blanks. Track 31Night always follows day, and day always follows night. What makes day and night? Earth is like a big ball in space. It is always spinning. It makes a complete spin once a day. The Sun shines on Earth, but it can only shine on half of it. When Earth spins, day changes to night and night changes to day.Daytime is when .. 2024. 12. 18. [영어 회화 연습] Forest Fun 0. 리뷰필요It folds the fin on its back and jumps out of the sea. It can move up to 110 kilometers an hour. 1. 쉐도잉, 본문 암기 Unit 9. Forest Fun Listen and fill in the blanks. Track 28Fred and Amy have big plans today. They will build a house in the forest. They ride their bikes to the forest. Fred makes a wall with logs and ropes. Amy makes a flag with a stick and a red cloth.Now, it’s time to decora.. 2024. 12. 13. [영어 회화 연습] Animals Can Go Fast! 0. 리뷰필요It costs a lot of money to build hospital. It doesn't rain very often.1. 쉐도잉, 본문 암기Unit 8. Animals Can Go Fast! Listen and fill in the blanks. Track 25Animals can move fast to catch other animals or run from danger. How do they go so fast?A falcon flaps its huge wings to fly. It folds its wings and tail to dive. It can go 322 kilometers an hour. That’s as fast as a plane!A cheetah has a.. 2024. 12. 11. [영어 회화 연습] Jack and the Beans 1. 쉐도잉, 본문 암기Unit 7. Jack and the Beans Listen and fill in the blanks. Track 22Jack’s family is poor. But they have a cow. One day, the cow stops giving milk. Mom tells Jack to sell the cow. On his way, Jack meets a man. “I will buy this cow for five beans,” he says. “The beans will make you rich.” Jack exchanges his cow for the beans.Jack returns home with no money. Mom is angry. She throws o.. 2024. 12. 4. 이전 1 2 3 4 ··· 67 다음 728x90 반응형