728x90 반응형 영어 회화 수업90 [영어 회화 연습] Sammy's new pet 1. 필수 암기 문장2. 딕테이션 파일 3. 추가 표현fulfill achieve 2025. 3. 7. [영어 회화 연습] Food Chains 1. 필수 암기 문장🌟🌟🌟외워졌다 = 한국어 번역을 보고 영어 문장이 바로 나온다2. 딕테이션 파일 2025. 3. 5. [영어 회화 연습] The Friends Poster 1. 리치리딩 암기🌟🌟완벽암기 2초컷🌟🌟Unit 2. The Friends PosterThe friends are in art class.Carla paints Mary.Mary has curly blond hair and blue eyes.Mary paints Carla.Carla has long brown hair and brown eyes.Sam paints Ted.Ted has straight black hair and brown eyes.Ted paints Sam.Sam has short red hair and green eyes.They are all special in their own way!2. 500 문장 암기🌟🌟완벽암기 2초컷🌟🌟Unit 54 : I want you to.. 2025. 2. 21. [영어 회화 연습] At Work with Mom 0. 리뷰필요Fold it down in half to make a triangle. Fold it in half again. Press down the edge to make a crease. Start from the crease and fold down both sides of the paper to make ears. Start from the crease and fold down both sides of the paper to make ears. How long will it take me to learn to drive? Did it take you a long time to find a job? Do you know who those people are? I know how much th.. 2025. 2. 19. 이전 1 2 3 4 ··· 23 다음 728x90 반응형